sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

I'm Mormor... I know it, I live it, and I love it... Everybody ask me what is my religion about and sometimes I can't say it how I want... But being Mormon is the best and every person that has knew it knows it... Today I went to the semestral conference from the church and I learned the phrase that is at the begining of this publication... So if you are Mormon, live it and love it... And let the other people know it...
Creativity... Everybody has it, obviously in different ways... I have tried to find out what thing makes me good talking about creativity and it was very hard to do but it is possible, is just that we have to understand that not everybody is the same and that we can do whatever we want if we do it in our own way, so it is important to understand our own talent and keep doing the best of us...
Money... It is something that people has created a need, everybody thinks that without money they are nothing but it is not true, money is something that can bring us happiness after something we did right but money is not happiness, our life is going in the direction that we decided to take not in the direction that someone else choosed...  So be sure of the things you want to do and do it, don't let other people tell you what to do or even what to be and you would find the real happiness...
Translating... It is kind of difficult to do it when you are nervous but almost all the time it is pretty easy to do... Yesterday I had to do it and it was really hard for me because I don't usually do it, I think it can be something really helpfull for me while I'm learning english and I know I can do it but I'm still being nervous, this is why I want to talk about being nervous... for some people nerves are hard  to control but it is something that all of us have to do... so keep calm and you would be fine...

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Surf... I guess this is a good sport I always wanted to try it but I haven`t do this, but what is the good part of surf: it consists of sliding on the waves standing on a table, it can be risky due to physical exertion and possible injuries caused by not taking the necessary precautions... so the first thing why people do this is: "adrenaline" but it is like any sport so the important thing is to take care in all that you do and you would have a very joyful moment in any place or with anything you do... :)
Horror Movies... These are awful, I just hate them; this ones always make you feel scared and they don`t have a happy ending... Last week I saw one of them called "The Devil", everybody, even my mother; said that it is not too scary but I have never seen scary movies before so I really got scared... What I really want to say is that horror movies make you feel bad and having afraid is not good because faith and afraid cannot be in the same mind... So my recomendation about it would be: Don`t watch horror movies and you would be fine... :)
Malnutrition... it is one of the worst things I have ever heard, our country is the first place in Latin America having malnutrition, and it also presents levels higher than in Haiti and Africa... some of us don`t know about it but it is necessary to try to get a better knowledge on this topic if we want to stop it... the future of our country is in our hands and all that we have to do is to understand that everything is not only about us and we have to stop being selfish to get better results in this efforts that other people has started doing... :)