sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

Parents... They are like the most important since you was born, and you always want to do what make them proud of you.  Last week we had Family`s day in the school and that was pretty fun, but the most important for me is that I spend a beautiful time with mom and then, on Sunday I celebrated Father`s day and that just make me understand in a better way, how much I love my parents and how much they love me... My recomendation for this week is: love your parents and show them that you want to do all to be like them, that would make them proud of you... :)

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Looking for books on internet... this is just awful, it makes you lose time and you never get what you want, I am looking right now for a Typing book and I´m streesed and angry and I just don´t like it... there should be a web page for every single thing and not only google that is not to effective haahaa... Well my recomendation for today is: look for the things you want in a bookstore, or practice the gift of patience you will need it.! :)

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

Movie days... They are sometimes good, the best part of all is that you don`t have classes and obviously neither  homework haha but there is something that I don`t like about movie days; and it is PEOPLE.! Well, it sounds like if I where an antisocial person but I`m not talking about that, I meant that I don`t like when people is talking all the movie and I can`t hear, last Friday we had a movie day in the school and everything was Ok, until some of the students went in and started to talk. So, "recomendation", if you are going to a Movie day... Please DON`T TALK or you can bother to the rest of the people... :)

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Scores... Ohh! that is the worst thing I have ever know, you pass all the unit giving your best effort, but, one little mistake and everything falls... Last week I finished 2nd. unit and I did to much exams but I have been thinking about my grades and all this things make me crazy... Even if you know that you did something good, you are always worried about what are your parents going to say if the see this, so my advice for today is don´t get confuse! trust in the things you did and everything is going to be ok... And as everybody says: don´t worry and be happy!