sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

Why did I started with my blog?... It actually started as a homework, I never had a blog before and at the begining I didn´t like the idea, but now I really enjoy writing about all my experiences; even when I know that  my blogs are not the best ones, now I like the idea to express myself by this way, but sometimes I don´t have what to talk about and I get confused with some topics that I have in mind, sometimes they are boring or they don´t even make sense, so I thougth that today I can give you an idea if you, "like me", can´t think about a topic to talk in your blog, use this link: http://www.taringa.net/posts/info/12532438/100-posibles-temas-para-tu-blog.html   I guess that I got some ideas from here and you might find one for you too... :)
RCTE... You might think: What is she talking about.? but actually, it means: Regional Conference for Teachers of English, this is an activity that IGA school prepares every year for the teachers of english in the Region, every year the fifth bilingual secretarial class, in IGA, is encharged of one of the committees in this conference; and this year, it was my class´ turn, I have to say that it is very challenging and we needed a lot of preparation, but it was a nice experience and everything went right, even when high heels are painful and I almost cry because of them, the most important thing is smiling all the time; and even when at the begining that is a fake smile, it becomes a real one when you find out that everything that you did is right and that everybody noticed it,  that is a nice feeling... remember: "be possitive and everything is going to be Ok"... :)
Talents... Everybody has one but not everybody can find it out, last week I had to show my talent to my classmates, I was a little afraid of it but anyway I did it... That taught me, that when we have something good we have to share it.! I thougth that my friends wouldn´t like it but I was wrong, I found out that when we do what we want without being afraid of what the people are going to say we can have better results, and it is only if we trust in ourselves and our talents... Now you can see me next week, getting prepared to sing in the talent´s show at my school.! haahaa, remember: be possitive and everything is going to be Ok... :)
Facebook... some years ago, this social network was created and it was amazing for young people, everybody liked the idea to be chating all the time and have communication with the loved ones; but this last year facebook has been changing, now it is not to popular as it was before and some people have not used it for a long time, facebook is still being a nice social network but for some reason we desagree with changes, we don´t like it any more as we do with other changes in our life... So the lesson that I received with this example is: Things are going to be changing all the time and we have to accept this because anyway we are changing too... As all the time my phrase is: "Be possitive and everything is going to be Ok"... :)

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

Vacation time... It is very great, you can have a break and rest of all the things that we usually do, you have more time to be with your family and friends and everything is easier, but is it completely right.? I think that everything needs a time but not to much, when you are only being lazy all the time you can improve your knowledge and get a better lifestyle, is important to spend more time with things that would be helpful for you and make you happier in the rest of your life and not only for the moment... My advice is: Spend more time reading interesting books and doing things that make you more intelligent and that would be better than if you are watching TV and burning your brain everyday... :)
Future... everybody has been telling me that is and efective way to see your future and your luck by stars, cups of tea, in your hand and somethings like that; but is that real.? In my view it is only something that people use to get money and fame, the true is that the only one that can make your future is you, you are the owner of your life and destiny... So my advice for today is: Don´t believe in the things that people say only because they think that is right, make your own oppinion and don´t be shy to share it, be possitive and create your own luck... :)