sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

I'm Mormor... I know it, I live it, and I love it... Everybody ask me what is my religion about and sometimes I can't say it how I want... But being Mormon is the best and every person that has knew it knows it... Today I went to the semestral conference from the church and I learned the phrase that is at the begining of this publication... So if you are Mormon, live it and love it... And let the other people know it...
Creativity... Everybody has it, obviously in different ways... I have tried to find out what thing makes me good talking about creativity and it was very hard to do but it is possible, is just that we have to understand that not everybody is the same and that we can do whatever we want if we do it in our own way, so it is important to understand our own talent and keep doing the best of us...
Money... It is something that people has created a need, everybody thinks that without money they are nothing but it is not true, money is something that can bring us happiness after something we did right but money is not happiness, our life is going in the direction that we decided to take not in the direction that someone else choosed...  So be sure of the things you want to do and do it, don't let other people tell you what to do or even what to be and you would find the real happiness...
Translating... It is kind of difficult to do it when you are nervous but almost all the time it is pretty easy to do... Yesterday I had to do it and it was really hard for me because I don't usually do it, I think it can be something really helpfull for me while I'm learning english and I know I can do it but I'm still being nervous, this is why I want to talk about being nervous... for some people nerves are hard  to control but it is something that all of us have to do... so keep calm and you would be fine...

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

Surf... I guess this is a good sport I always wanted to try it but I haven`t do this, but what is the good part of surf: it consists of sliding on the waves standing on a table, it can be risky due to physical exertion and possible injuries caused by not taking the necessary precautions... so the first thing why people do this is: "adrenaline" but it is like any sport so the important thing is to take care in all that you do and you would have a very joyful moment in any place or with anything you do... :)
Horror Movies... These are awful, I just hate them; this ones always make you feel scared and they don`t have a happy ending... Last week I saw one of them called "The Devil", everybody, even my mother; said that it is not too scary but I have never seen scary movies before so I really got scared... What I really want to say is that horror movies make you feel bad and having afraid is not good because faith and afraid cannot be in the same mind... So my recomendation about it would be: Don`t watch horror movies and you would be fine... :)
Malnutrition... it is one of the worst things I have ever heard, our country is the first place in Latin America having malnutrition, and it also presents levels higher than in Haiti and Africa... some of us don`t know about it but it is necessary to try to get a better knowledge on this topic if we want to stop it... the future of our country is in our hands and all that we have to do is to understand that everything is not only about us and we have to stop being selfish to get better results in this efforts that other people has started doing... :)

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

The second world war... It started because of the people of Germany who was looking for power, it was the worst fight on the story of the world but what do we think it stop? The people is still using weapons to fight and we don´t do anything; we are still giving the childrend fake guns so they think that it is not wrong to do it in the reality... So what I want to say is that we have to create a different thought in our kids and teach them how awful is to use these ones... Lets be possitive and we would create a better world... :)

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

Hunger Games... This is a really interesting book; it is about a girl whose sister has been called as a Tribute from her District to participate in this games, her sister is only 12 years old and the games are very dangerous, so she offered herself to participate in her sister´s place... I haven´t read the whole book but it is great... So if you can do it, read it, you will not regret... :)
Hobbies... There are a lot of hobbies in the world, some of them are productive and another ones are weird, but anyway are hobbies and everybody has one, but why is important to have a hobbie; there are a lot of reasons, but the most important is: first, it brings you happinness because you are doing what you want; then, it is also a talent, while you are doing something you like you are getting an expert... So my recomendation is:  Try to do what you want and not what other people says, because in that way you would be without stress... :)

sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

Why did I started with my blog?... It actually started as a homework, I never had a blog before and at the begining I didn´t like the idea, but now I really enjoy writing about all my experiences; even when I know that  my blogs are not the best ones, now I like the idea to express myself by this way, but sometimes I don´t have what to talk about and I get confused with some topics that I have in mind, sometimes they are boring or they don´t even make sense, so I thougth that today I can give you an idea if you, "like me", can´t think about a topic to talk in your blog, use this link: http://www.taringa.net/posts/info/12532438/100-posibles-temas-para-tu-blog.html   I guess that I got some ideas from here and you might find one for you too... :)
RCTE... You might think: What is she talking about.? but actually, it means: Regional Conference for Teachers of English, this is an activity that IGA school prepares every year for the teachers of english in the Region, every year the fifth bilingual secretarial class, in IGA, is encharged of one of the committees in this conference; and this year, it was my class´ turn, I have to say that it is very challenging and we needed a lot of preparation, but it was a nice experience and everything went right, even when high heels are painful and I almost cry because of them, the most important thing is smiling all the time; and even when at the begining that is a fake smile, it becomes a real one when you find out that everything that you did is right and that everybody noticed it,  that is a nice feeling... remember: "be possitive and everything is going to be Ok"... :)
Talents... Everybody has one but not everybody can find it out, last week I had to show my talent to my classmates, I was a little afraid of it but anyway I did it... That taught me, that when we have something good we have to share it.! I thougth that my friends wouldn´t like it but I was wrong, I found out that when we do what we want without being afraid of what the people are going to say we can have better results, and it is only if we trust in ourselves and our talents... Now you can see me next week, getting prepared to sing in the talent´s show at my school.! haahaa, remember: be possitive and everything is going to be Ok... :)
Facebook... some years ago, this social network was created and it was amazing for young people, everybody liked the idea to be chating all the time and have communication with the loved ones; but this last year facebook has been changing, now it is not to popular as it was before and some people have not used it for a long time, facebook is still being a nice social network but for some reason we desagree with changes, we don´t like it any more as we do with other changes in our life... So the lesson that I received with this example is: Things are going to be changing all the time and we have to accept this because anyway we are changing too... As all the time my phrase is: "Be possitive and everything is going to be Ok"... :)

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

Vacation time... It is very great, you can have a break and rest of all the things that we usually do, you have more time to be with your family and friends and everything is easier, but is it completely right.? I think that everything needs a time but not to much, when you are only being lazy all the time you can improve your knowledge and get a better lifestyle, is important to spend more time with things that would be helpful for you and make you happier in the rest of your life and not only for the moment... My advice is: Spend more time reading interesting books and doing things that make you more intelligent and that would be better than if you are watching TV and burning your brain everyday... :)
Future... everybody has been telling me that is and efective way to see your future and your luck by stars, cups of tea, in your hand and somethings like that; but is that real.? In my view it is only something that people use to get money and fame, the true is that the only one that can make your future is you, you are the owner of your life and destiny... So my advice for today is: Don´t believe in the things that people say only because they think that is right, make your own oppinion and don´t be shy to share it, be possitive and create your own luck... :)

sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

Parents... They are like the most important since you was born, and you always want to do what make them proud of you.  Last week we had Family`s day in the school and that was pretty fun, but the most important for me is that I spend a beautiful time with mom and then, on Sunday I celebrated Father`s day and that just make me understand in a better way, how much I love my parents and how much they love me... My recomendation for this week is: love your parents and show them that you want to do all to be like them, that would make them proud of you... :)

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Looking for books on internet... this is just awful, it makes you lose time and you never get what you want, I am looking right now for a Typing book and I´m streesed and angry and I just don´t like it... there should be a web page for every single thing and not only google that is not to effective haahaa... Well my recomendation for today is: look for the things you want in a bookstore, or practice the gift of patience you will need it.! :)

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

Movie days... They are sometimes good, the best part of all is that you don`t have classes and obviously neither  homework haha but there is something that I don`t like about movie days; and it is PEOPLE.! Well, it sounds like if I where an antisocial person but I`m not talking about that, I meant that I don`t like when people is talking all the movie and I can`t hear, last Friday we had a movie day in the school and everything was Ok, until some of the students went in and started to talk. So, "recomendation", if you are going to a Movie day... Please DON`T TALK or you can bother to the rest of the people... :)

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Scores... Ohh! that is the worst thing I have ever know, you pass all the unit giving your best effort, but, one little mistake and everything falls... Last week I finished 2nd. unit and I did to much exams but I have been thinking about my grades and all this things make me crazy... Even if you know that you did something good, you are always worried about what are your parents going to say if the see this, so my advice for today is don´t get confuse! trust in the things you did and everything is going to be ok... And as everybody says: don´t worry and be happy!

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Soccer games... I don´t really liked soccer before, but my sister always loved it.  Soccer is like the most common sport here in Guatemala but it wasn´t interesting for me until Saturday that was the final game between Xela and Comunicaciones.! It was the most exciting game I have ever seen, it last 130 minutes but every minute was full of suspence... But the most exciting part was the celebration after we won, the concert last until 5:00 a.m. but everybody was very happy because it was Xela`s 5th. Moon that is the name of the price that the team received... It was pretty fun.!

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

Dracula: death and loving it... it is an amazing movie about "obviously", Dracula.  He is in love with a girl named Mina and he started looking at her and trying to get her love so he throw a spell to a man called Thomas Renfield and he did all the Dracula´s misdeeds... after all Mina´s fiance killed Dracula and everything ended well... before this movie I didn´t like old movies but this is just amazing and pretty fun also... :)

viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

Secretary's day... A secretary is the person who makes of the daily routine, something comfortable; it was the first phrase I heard yesterday when the Celebration began, I think it is true, because We, as secretaries work at least 20 of the 24 hours of the day and in my case I'm just starting... The secretary is the image of the enterprise  and we have to give a good impression in everything, that is why we have a day, I think that every secretary in the world deserves being celebrated for the work that everyday she do to make of this world a better one.!

viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Shopping... it is one of my favorite things, the feeling of confidence and happiness when you pay all your new things even if it is for cash or with a credit card, everything seems like being ok, but then you see that this feeling is going away and you spent all your money, then is when you have to open your eyes and see that everything is not necessary, that you can have a better life without buying everything you see... I saw a movie yesterday, it`s name is the girl in the green scarf, it is about what I`m talking right now, you should see it and understand more of this topic... Just remember the life is good if you have a possitive attitude.!

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

Birthdays... For me birthdays are the best, because every person that loves you shows you it, yesterday was my birthday; I had a lot of fun, in the morning one of my best friends gave me a beautiful present, she shows a lot of effort on it and that is why I liked it, because when someone truly loves you, don`t matter what they give you, is the feeling that you have when you receive it, the feeling of love that they use to do it or to buy something to you and specially the friendship that they shows you... Besides that birthdays are the best because you are always going to have fun and the only bad thing is that you are getting older haahaa... but that doesn`t matter if you have a happy life as me... :)
Pretty little liars... this is the best series I have ever seen, it is about five girls.  The leader of their group have died and they are looking for the murder; besides that someone starts bothering them by sending messages to their cellphones... they start getting afraid and begin looking for the person who is doing this, every single chapter is so dramatic, fun and kind of mysterious but it adds a lot of emotion to your life and makes you not to stop watching it, here is one of these chapters:  http://prettylittleliars.alloyentertainment.com/season-2-episode-22-preview-clip-a-threatens-parents/ look at it and get the emotion that I have...
Social survival... maybe I`m not the best to talk about it but I`m going to write about my point of view, social survival is something that every teenager needs and almost every person in the world; but how can we survive in a social way, my idea is to be what you really are because nobody can tell you what to do or even what to be, you are the owner of your life, you and only you can decide what you want for yourself because nobody is going to receive the impact of your actions and that is how you can survive in the social life being yourself and helping another people to find out what they really are.!

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Dance... There are a lot of ways to dance but some of them are not to incredible... you can see in the parties that some people that dance in a rare or sometimes in a crazy way, all depends of the kind of practice that you had before dancing... Some people dance well and are the best in their style, another ones think that they can dance but don`t be to proud because if you are maybe you can fall if you are not what you think... this is one of the best ways to dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VMjpC47D84 look at it and you might learn something haahaa... is just that you have to think positive and everything is going to be all right.!

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Homeworks... Everybody say that the homeworks are to help us and to be more smart, young people say that homeworks are a waste of time and that they take you out of the social life... Every person has a different point of view but what is the truly meaning of homeworks.? They for sure are to help us but the real purpose of  these things is to practice what you are learning... If you are learning some sport and you practice it in your home it can also be a homework because as it's name says it is something that you do at home... So homeworks are not only what you do in a paper, the thing is that you have to have a good attitude to do all your homeworks in the best way.! So do all that you have to do just because you want to be better and you are going to see the best results... :)

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Going out with your friends is  one of the best things of the youth... you can do what you want and you are going to have a lot of fun.! Today I went out with my friends... to celebrate one of my best friends`s birthday, it was so nice... first we went to eat and eat is always good, then we went to play but it was a little bit stressful... but I had a lot of fun too... the is that you always have fun if you go out with your friends... if you haven`t do it you should try because it is the best...

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

I´m going to talk about TWILIGHT´s book... first I think that it is the best book I have ever seen is easy to understand, is fun, romantic and in some parts is sad also, but it has the best history... Maybe you know what is it about but I´m going to tell you anyway, it is about "Bella" who moved to Forks, she met Edward who is a vampire but she didn´t know it, she fell inlove with him, and he told her that he was a vampire, then, they were a couple and they met James that is another vampire who wanted to kill Bella, but Edward killed him first and he saved Bella this is a little sumary of the book but here I´m trying to say why is it the best... If you haven´t done it... Watch the movie right now it is the best.

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Friends are one of the best things on the life but: What can we do to prevent troubles with them:
First we can try to listen to them and think about them before than us and we would take care of them as they do this with us... Best friends are a help when they are GOOD but we have to take care when some of them are just pretending be our friends... Here is an example of a good friendship:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6hjukAMLyw

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Music is like the most important right now... Every day we listen to different music but we have a lot of options that we can choose here is something of new music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUjn3RpkcKY&ob=av2e this is something that I like but there is a lot of music and we can enjoy with everything...